Monday, November 25, 2019


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In St. Paul, 2020 will be a tough tax year for low-value homes

Fred even tho you block Affiant Victim in Property Taxaction U forgot the 4.5% interest levied by City and County if Fraudulent Bills are not paid No wonder Ogaras moving out/ Found an old Blog http://minnesotamortagemass...
Its the DFL Endorsements and Money, Affiant has been reduced to POVERTY AS a Republican Donald Trump Supporter, Dumb Dems re Burisma,Bidens, Trumpys Senate Hearings best is yet to come.
Another example of Cities Ponzi Taxing Scheme, Confusing Read Why Tax Court Cite these Officials MS609.43 The Buck stops at the Mayors Office O well on the Graves of our Heritage Dumb DFL MUST STOPP THE GOOFY, LONNEY IMPEACH CRAP.TRUMPS MOM WOULD ROLL OVER IN HER GRAVE. Disrespeat of any Government Office is Treasonable The Whistle has blown http://freedom-4you.blogspo... City Election is one Losing /Win
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Impeachment hearing takeaways: A ‘domestic political errand’

Its never over currently FBI is looking for Whistleblower Eric Ciariamella http://crimes-against-human... Expressing the political will of the sovereign American people
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Noon, Pacific time, Friday, November 22, 2019.
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arnie, just one of the people.
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St. Paul’s mayor proposes nearly $3 million public safety initiative with focus on youth

#ImpeachmentHearings Burisma Holdings, Nikolai Zlochevsky, indicted in Ukraine, Ukrainian members of parliament demanding Trump and president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, investigate. $7.4 billion was laundered ex-President Yanukovych Franklin Templeton InvestDNC
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Republicans assail security aide who reported Trump call

Republicans know name of Whistleblower Eric Ciaramello call WISC.US Senator Ron Johnson http://crimes-against-human... Burisma Gas Co must be investigated